Niterói has a great diversity of tourist attractions: natural beauties, beautiful historical heritage, the world’s second largest set of works by architect Oscar Niemeyer, a diversified quality gastronomy, the largest continuous complex of forts and fortress in Brazil, is a cultural barn, besides having the best view of the city of Rio de Janeiro. That’s why we have created 3 daily itineraries so you can know the main spots and make the most of your time in this wonderful city.

Book the first day for a cultural program. Start by visiting the Niemeyer Path which shelters 7 monuments: 1) Teatro Popular; 2) Science and Creativity´s Museum / School of Knowledge; 3) Roberto Silveira Memorial / Center for the Memory of History and Fluminense Literature; 4) Tourist Assistance Center (CAT); 5) Juscelino Kubischek Square; 6) Petrobras Center of Cinema; 7) Contemporary Art´s Museum . Close to the MAC, you will find the Ingá´s Museum – a neoclassical palace dedicated to the political and artistic history of Rio de Janeiro, the Solar do Jambeiro – a beautiful 19th century Portuguese mansion that shelters plastic arts exhibitions, and the Janete Costa of Popular Art Museum- a mansion dating from 1892 dedicated to Brazilian popular art. In this itinerary, the neighborhoods of São Domingos, Ingá and Boa Viagem offer excellent gastronomy options. Next to Icaraí Beach, on Coronel Moreira César Str, you will find Polo de Modas, a varied option for those who want to go shopping.

Enjoy the third day for a contact with the natural beauties of Niterói. At 270 meters above sea level, in Viração´s Hill, with access to the San Francisco neighborhood, there is the City Park, which includes an environmental preservation area and two free-flight ramps with panoramic views of the Guanabara Bay and to our lagoons and ocean beaches. From this viewpoint, you will have a memorable view of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Also visit our Oceanic Region (RO), a lagoon complex and paradisiac beaches: Piratininga, Sossego, Camboinhas, Itaipu and Itacoatiara (surfers paradise), the Itaipu Archeology Museum and places propitious to ecotourism, with emphasis to the Tiririca Mountain´s State Park. The region still has a good offer of bars, concert halls, craft brewery, shops, art, furniture pole and a renowned gastronomic pole.

Begin the second day knowing the beauties of the beaches of Guanabara Bay, with a privileged view of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Departing from Gragoatá, a neighborhood that gives its name to a Fort by the sea, follow through the beaches of Boa Viagem, Flechas, Icaraí, São Francisco, Charitas, until you reach Jurujuba, a picturesque fishing colony. Then embark on a return to history. Niterói has the largest continuous set of forts and fortresses in Brazil, which shelter the Santa Cruz Fortress and the Forts: Pico, São Luiz, Barão do Rio Branco, Tabaiba and Imbuhy. The Santa Cruz Fortress is the first one erected around the Guanabara Bay in 1555. Entering the Barão do Rio Branco Fort, at the top of the Pico Hill, are the ruins of the architectural complex which, in the 18th century, sheltered the fortifications of Pico and São Luiz. Enjoy to enjoy the diversified culinary of the districts of San Francisco, Charitas and Juruba, with emphasis on the seafood.