In 1912, given the increase of mail postings and in response to the claims of several personalities, the then President of the Republic, Marechal Hermes da Fonseca, ordered the construction of the Telegraphs and Post Office Palace. The space for cultural activities in the Post Office Palace is currently intended for plastic arts exhibitions, living spaces and a screening room. Exhibition on the ground floor
Address: Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, 481 – Centro, Niterói
Telephone: (21) 2622-3200 – (21) 2621-1161
Niterói Bus Lines: 34,36, 38, 38A, 39, 40, 45, 46, 47, 48 49, 53
Free Entrance
From Monday to Saturday, From 11am to 6pm (Except Holiday).
Visitation through the building only with previous schedule.