For the third consectuvie bodyboard athletes (some world champions) and guards of the Tiririca Mountain´s State Park (PSET) participated in a socio-environmental action along 20 students from Escola Municipal Mar Alegre, of Cafubá, in Oceanic Region. The main focus was the importance of sport and the interaction with the nature. The event happened in this wednesday, day 20 of july, in the morning, and was part of the activities of Itacoatiara Pro 2018, planned to end in july, gathering the niteroi athletes coming from France, South Africa, Chile, Peru, Hawai, Marrocos among other countries, besides Brazilian from various states.
At various moments, the students could try how important is the interaction of man with the nature, and the apex was when everyone fell into the water, after receiving some orientation given by the champions of the sport.
When they fall into the water, the students Crisitane Reis, Ariel dos Santos and ALisson dos Santos (both of 5th year) were pure happiness, after hearing mindfully the orientation of athletes Amaury Laverne, from Canary Islands, Meny Vargas, official announcer of the event, and Dudu Pedra, niteoiense champion of bodyboarding: “_Very cool to do that!”, they exclaimed happily.
Before, the students watched a fast lecture given by the PSET Park Guards and of Instituto Estadual do Ambiente (INEA), then have seen closely some animals which are part of local fauna, like jararacas, jiboias, brown spiders, paca, armadillo among others, conserved in appropriate solutions, or that have been transformed by “taxidermy” (technique of conservation of dead animals) that ilustrate the given explanations. Then they received from SGA (sponsor of Itacoatiara Pro 2018) seeds for planting.
For most of the students (like Vitor Vagner de Paula, from 5th year), who photographed some of the animals, see those creatures by close was a very new experience: “Have never seen snakes, spiders and even a paca like this so close, only on television!”, admired.
According to the teachers Débora Thamstem and Elesabete Carvalho, on socio-environmental action like this produce an unfolding of the richest because it provides great experiences outside the classroom: “For part of these students, this opportunity is unique, because some never left their own neighborhood. This extra-class activity will be contextualized in the content that will be extended in several other curricular activites of the school, in addition to promote an enriching experience”, emphasided.
The Itacoatiara Pro 2018 is an event that includes two competitions, bring together champions of bodyboard, some contesting the World Bodyboard that will be until the 27th of this month and others the Brazilian Bodyboard Championship, schedule to happen between July 27th and July 1st.
For the Neltur´s president, José Guilherme Azevedo, Niterói is a city facing the sea and with an exuberant nature, with great environmental tourist appeal. The Itacoatiara Beach, where one of the largest bodyboard competitions in the world is held, has been the scene of other great competitions for its giant waves. “It is extremely gratifying to realize that Tourism can provide citizenship classes for children joining Sport and the Environment”, highlights José Guilherme.