One of the oldest chapels in Rio de Janeiro, it dates to the early 17th century and was completed in 1612. It lies over the living rock, in a dominant position on the peak of Santa Cruz, where the Nossa Senhora da Guia artillery battery was assembled, currently to the left of those who enter the Santa Cruz Fortress. It was restored and has an original image of Saint Barbara, carved in wood, in natural size. One of the legends surrounding this image recalls previous attempts to transfer it to another location, always frustrated by mysterious turnarounds in the sea conditions, due to bad weather, originally the only access to that secluded location.

Address: Estrada General Eurico Gaspar Dutra, s/nº – Jurujuba (Santa Cruz Fortress)

Phone: 2710-2354

Access to the site during army-guided visitation

Niterói Bus Lines: 33 (Fortaleza)

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